Shakira and Xuxa in "City of God" in Rio de Janeiro

Colombian super star Shakira and other singer Xuxa visit the famous Brazilian Slum “City of God” in Rio de Janeiro. Shakira and Xuxa, a Brazilian singer & TV presenter visit the well know Brazilian Slum "City of God" in Rio de Janeiro. Leia 'Cineasta londrino lança curtas sobre o Rio de Janeiro' no Yahoo!. Cineasta londrino lança curtas sobre o Rio de Janeiro. Both singers were at a daycare center to sign a contract with the Brazilian government to build another 100 daycare centers in Brazil. They also sang and danced the famous Xuxa hit "Ilarie". La cantante colombiana Shakira y la actriz y presentadora brasileña Xuxa se unieron hoy, a traves de las fundaciones beneficas que comandan.
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